Explanation of network
In the diagram, each elliptical node represents a game and each box represents a class or a type of class, or a collection of games with a common name, as follows.
traditional game
invented game
proprietary game
class type
derived class
Note that at present only a few of the invented games and proprietary games featured on pagat.com have been included in the classification network.
'Derived classes' are extra classes introduced to simplify the network by grouping together games belonging to the same set of classes.
Each arrow represents a relationship, as follows.
A B : B is a member of A
A B : B is a version of A
A B : B is a variant of A
A B : A is a part of B
A B : B is an example of A
Since there are well over 1000 games and classes in pagat.com the complete network diagram would take several minutes to draw and would be hard to interpret. Therefore by default only a small part of the network is shown at a time - a neighbourhood consisting of everything within two links of a selected game or class.
To explore different parts of the network, click on a node to select it and then click the 'update network' button to draw the part of the network around the newly selected node. To the right of the 'update node' button is a number representing the neighbourhood size. The button to the right of the neighbourhood size shows the name of the currently selected game or class, and can be clicked to open the web page for this game or class in a new tab.
The '+' and '-' buttons can be used to zoom in or out - this can also be achieved on some platforms by using the mouse wheel or two fingers on a touch screen. The whole diagram can be shifted in any direction by clicking and dragging any empty part of the diagram.
The diagram can be manually adjusted and tidied up if desired by clicking and dragging nodes to different positions.
Here is a control to choose the size of the neighbourhood to be drawn next time the network is updated.
▲ ▼
Warning : neighbourhood sizes greater than 2 may generate a diagram that takes a long time to draw and resembles a tangled bird's nest. During the update a count of nodes and arrows and an estimate of the drawing time will be shown.
Here is a control to select the game or class whose neighbourhood will be drawn the next time the network is updated.
10 Bridge 1000 110 21st Century War 220 25 3-2-5 304 31 (Dutch) 31 (Greek) 31 (showdown) 32-card Poker 4-2-2 (Poker) 4-2-3 (Poker) 41 (Exchange) 5 Card Omaha (poker) 5 Man Melee 5-2-1 Roll 'Em (Poker) 5000 Rummy 501 51 (Chinese) 51 (Japanese) 52 pick-up 55 6 Card Omaha (poker) 6-card Brag 7 minus 7 7-card Brag 7-Truf 7½ 9-card Brag Abyssinia (Poker) Accelerated Phase 10 Accumulation Games Ace Chasing Ace-Ten Games Ace-Ten Schafkopf games Ace-To-Six Lowball (Draw) (Poker) Aces, Straights and Flushes (Poker) Adding games Addition War Aggravation (Rummy) Aggravation (Speed) Agram Albastini Alcalde Alkort All Fives (cards) All Fives (dominoes) All for One and One for All (Poker) All Fours All Fours (17th Century) All Fours (Lancashire) All Fours (North American) All Fours (Trinidad) All Fours (Yorkshire) All Fours Group All Threes (Dominoes) Alsós Altiansz Aluette Amerikaner Anandis Andar Bahar Android Whist Animals Anrufen Arba'a Turub Arizona 29-card Pitch Arlington Arm Ascension Ascot Assassin (Poker) Assassin Ace Asserufen (Schafkopf) Asso Pigliatutto (scopa) Asszorti Auction (Poker) Auction Draw Dominoes Auction Flop Poker Auction Forty-Fives Auction Scumbag Auction Whist Group Australian Patience Austrian Dominoes Authors Autumn Leaves Avinas Avoid capturing cards or tricks Awol Bridge Babies' Daddy (Poker) Baccarat (Punto Banco) Baccarat à Deux Tableaux (Baccarat Banque) Back Alley Backstab Fish Badugi Bagchen Baloot Banakil Bandar Q Banking games Băo Huáng (保皇) Barbu Barry's and Les's Bartok Baseball (Poker) Baseball (Simulation) Baseball, National League Rules (Poker) Basic Rummy Games Baśka Basra Bastard Brag Bauernschnapsen Bauernstoss Be-Ranga Double Sar Beating games Beggar My Neighbour Belote Belote Découverte Bergen Bergen family Bestia Bezique Bid Bid Euchre Bid Whist Bieten Big A (打大A) Big Al's Guillotine (Poker) Big Game, The Big Green Cucumber Big Three Big Two Billitonnen Binglao (poker) Bingo (dominoes) Bird Dog Biriba (Μπιρίμπα) Biritch Birthday Suit Uno Bisca Bitch, The (Poker) Black Maria Black Mariah (Poker) Blackjack (21) Blackout with Jokers Blackwidowstar Blades of Steel Blast Blind Don Blind Hold'em (Poker) Blind Hughie (Dominoes) Blind Omaha (Poker) Blind-Watten Block Dominoes Block Dominoes with Spinners Blue Beacon (Poker) Bluff Boardwalk Boerenbridge Boise (Poker) Bonanza Pai Gow Bonus Round (Poker) Boomke Wies Boonaken Boston Group Botifarra Bottom Line Baccarat Bottom Line Blackjack Bouillotte Bounce Back (Poker) Bourré Bowling (Simulation) Bowling Solitaire (1) Bowling Solitaire (2) Box (Poker) Boxing (Simulation) Brag (3 card) Brag (4 card) Brag (5 card) Bräus (Gotland) Breaker (Poker) Bridge Bridge with Deuces Wild Bridge with Semi-exposed Dummies Brisca Briscola Briscola 151 Briscola a 31 Briscola Chiamata Briscola Scoperta Briscolone Broadway Brocky Brouc Brucie's Play Your Cards Right Tennis Brus (Denmark) Brús (Iceland) Bruus (North Friesland) Buck Euchre Buck Thirty-Five (poker) Buddha's Folly (Poker) Buddys Game (Poker) Build Up Buki (Dominoes) Bullshit Bura Buraco (Brazilian) Burako (Argentinean) Burraco (Italian) Burro Busca Buy Your Card / Substitution (Poker) Byzantium Calabresella Calcutta Horse Race California Lowball (Poker) California Speed Call Bridge Call Partner Rook ® Calypso Cambio (Golf) Camicia Canadian Salad Canadian Salad Variations Canasta Canasta Group Canastone Cancellation Hearts Candyman Cangkul Canton Cap-It Captain Jack Capture card combinations Capture cards or tricks Capturing games Card Bingo Card exchange games Card Passing Games Caribbean Dominoes Caribbean Stud (Poker) Carioca Carousel Casino Casino (Berlin 1810) Casino (Dominican) Casino (Hungarian) Casino (Sotho) Casino (South African) Casino (Swazi) Casino Hold'em Poker Casino Poker Casita Robada Castle Rock Castle Wars Casualty War Cat's Cradle Cattura Cau Robat Ce Deng (斜钉) Cego Challenge (dominoes) Chameleon (Poker) Charlemagne Checkmate Chemin de Fer (Baccarat) Chicago (Poker) Chicago (Swedish) Chicago Bridge Chicken Foot Chinese Patience Chinese Poker Chinese Ten Chiva Chkobba Chor Voli CHORSE (Poker) CHORSEL (Poker) Chouine Chowaha (Poker) Chris-Cross Pairs Chukchi Sea Uno Cicera Cincinnati (Poker) Cinquecento Ciq Circle Jerk (Poker) Cirulla Cirullone Clabber Clag Climbing games Clobyosh Clone War Clubs Cöch Coiffeur-Schieber Jass Coinche Cold Omaha (Poker) Collecting Dominoes Color Game Color Gin Colosseum Combat Games Combination by addition Combination by matching Combination games Commerce group Compare Single Cards Compendium games Compendium: Phases Compendium: Series Competitive Patience Competitive Patience Shedding Games Composite games Concentration (Dominoes) Connecting games Conquian Conquian Group Contract Rummy Contract Rummy Games Cosmic Turtle Costly Colours Coteccio Couillon Couillon group Counter Coup D'Etat for 2 Players Coup d'Etat ™ Courchevel (poker) Court Piece Cowboy, Cowgirl, Cowpattie (Poker) Cowpie Poker Cranborne Craps (Poker) Crash (13-card Brag) Crates Crazy 3-5-7 (Poker) Crazy 4 of Spades (Poker) Crazy Blind Man (Poker) Crazy Dutchy (Poker) Crazy Eights Crazy Eights Countdown Crazy Pineapple (Poker) Crazy Pineapple Hi-Lo (Poker) Crazy Rummy Crazy Solo Crazy Twenties, The Cribbage Cribbage (five-card) Cribbage (partnership) Cribbage (six-card) Cribbage Solitaire Cribbage with Jokers (3) Cricket Cricket (Simulation) Cricket (solitaire) Cricket Card Crime Wars CrissCross Cross Cuajo Cuarenta Cuban Dominoes Cucamonga (Poker) Cuckoo Cuckoo Group Cucù Cucumber Cut Throat Dominoes (Jamaican) Cut-Throat Uno CutThroat Cuttle Cyprus Dă Băi Fēn (打百分) Dai Fugō Dakota (Poker) Damn Dancing Dragons Dappen Daytona Dead Deuce (Poker) Deadly Uno Dealer Picks the Suit Dealer's Choice (Poker) Defeat Dummy Dealer Dehla Pakad Delaware Stud (Poker) Democracy Depot (Poker) Derda Deuces & Jacks & the Man with the Axe (Poker) DFDD Reloaded Diablo (Poker) Diamond Heist Dice and Dominoes Differenzler Jass Diloti (Δηλωτή) Dingo Diominoes Dirty Schultz (Poker) Disconnected Layout Discovery or Solution Divide and Conquer Do Ya (Poker) Dobbm Dom Pedro Domijong Domino adding games Domino Bead Game Domino Cribbage Domino draw & discard Domino Euchre Domino fishing games Domino games Domino Golf Domino line shedding with equal end matching Domino Loo Domino match dice Domino multi-trick Domino other Domino partition Domino pattern scoring Domino Pinochle Domino plain trick Domino point trick Domino Poker Domino Roads Domino Rounce Domino shedding Domino shedding with equal end matching Domino trick-taking games Domino Twenty-One Dominoes Freecell Solitaire Dominoes-Matrix Domizerka Dompe Donkey (South Indian) Doogie (Poker) Doomcrop Doors Doppelkopf Doscientos Dou Dizhu (斗地主) Double Bergen Double Briškula Double Draw (Dominoes) Double Draw (Poker) Double Dummy Bridge Double Elevator (Poker) Double Sir Double Solitaire Double Takes Double Trouble (1) Double Trouble (Poker) Double-Edge Trim-Saw (Poker) Doubles in the Boneyard Down and Back Draft Dragon Hearts Draw and Discard Bridge Draw and Discard Games Draw and Discard Matching Games Draw Bridge Draw Dominoes Draw Poker Dreeg Dreierles Droggn (Tarock) Drop Down Solitaire Poker Dubbelkingen Dudák Duel (1) Duel (2) Duel (3) Duel 52 Duel King Dummy Hearts Duplicate Bridge Durak Durak (Perevodnoy) Durak (Podkidnoy) Durak Severnyi Dureń Piątkowy (Warsaw variant) Earl of Coventry Écarté Eddie's Choice (Poker) Egyptian Hold'em (Poker) Egyptian Ratscrew Eight Game Mix (Poker) Eight-Suit Crazy Eights Eights group Eighty-Three El Dorado Hold'em (Poker) Elemental Eleusis Elevator (Poker) Eleven Point Black Tile Eléwénjewé Elimination Elimination Uno elroyale Empat Satu (41) Empires Ena Encaje Engine 191 English Stud (Poker) Enhanced Uno Equal end matching Equilibrium Joker (War) Escoba Estonian Twist (Poker) Etori (classic) Euchre Euchre Group Euchre Solitaire Euronimoes Evil Spades Evil Uno Exact Bidding Games Extra Card Exxodus Faces of Death (Poker) Fan Rummy Fan Tan Fano Fapfap Farmers' Rummy Faro Fast Track Ferbli Feud Fibonacci Fierce (Poker) Fifteen Thirty_five Fifty Plus/Minus Fifty-Six Filicău Filkó Fipsen Fire (War) First Past the Post Fish Pitch Fishing games Five and Two or Three (Poker) Five Card Draw Deuces Wild (Poker) Five Card Draw Poker Five Card Draw with a Bug (Poker) Five Card Roll Your Own (Poker) Five Card Stud (Poker) Five Card Stud High-Low (Poker) Five Card Stud High-Low With a Buy (Poker) Five Crowns Bridge Five Hundred Five Up (Dominoes) Five-card Double Draw High-Low (Poker) Five-card Open Draw (sequential) (Poker) Five-card Open Draw (simple) (Poker) Five-Card Pinochle Five-Handed Call Queen Euchre Fives (Poker) Fives and Threes (Dominoes) Fives and Threes Family Flaming Cross (Poker) Flip Ace Flower & Scorpion Follow The Queen (Poker) Football (2) Football (Poker) Football (Simulation) Football (3) (Poker) Fortune Rummy Forty-One (Syrian) Forty-Three (Poker) Fotboll Foundations four chosen suits Four Fucks Sake Four of a Kind Four Sisters Four Up, Four Down Fracas Freak of Nature (Poker) Freak Solitaire Fred Potato (Poker) Freeze Out (Dominoes) French Dominoes Frog Frustration (Speed) Gaigel Galactic War Gallinazo Gambari-Kan Gambling Spades Game Game to Lose Game, Flip, Flop Games Gān Dèng Yǎn (干瞪眼) Gaple General's War Générala German Solo German Whist Getaway Ghârat Ghost Giltspiel Gin Dice Gin Pro Gin Race Gin Rainbow Gin Rummy Gin Rush Gin Shot Gin Twofold Ging Giog (爵) Give & Take Give Two (Uno) Giza Gleek Glup Pinochle Gnav Go Fish Go Stop Goita Golden Ten Golf Golf (Eight Card) Golf (Four Card) Golf (Nine Card) Golf (Simulation) Golf (Six Card) Gong Zhu (拱猪) Gonin-Kan Good King, Bad Queen Good, the Bad and the Ugly, The (Poker) GOPS Gòu Jí (够级) Grid Grocery Store Dots (Poker) Guadalupe Guàn Dàn (掼蛋) Guerilla Joker Guess That Card Guessing Games Guillotine Guiñote Guo Wu Guan (過五關) Guts Hachi-Hachi Haitian Dominoes Hand Hand and Foot Hand and Foot (Bain) Hand Comparison Games Handjass Happy Families Have a Heart (Poker) Hazari Hearts Hearts Poker Hebrac's Dungeon Henway (Poker) Herbie (Poker) Hidden Rung High Card Low Card High Card Poker High Card Pool High Fives High Jinks High-Die (Poker) High-Low Chicago (Poker) High-Low Poker High-Low Split Pot Poker High-Low Split Pot Shared Card Poker High-Low Split Pot Stud Poker High/Low Spades Hindersche Hockey Hockey (1) Hockey (Draft Choice) HOE (Poker) Hokm Hol's der Geier Hola Hold'Em Uno Hollywood Garbage Hollywood Hold'em (Poker) Hombre Group Homo Homini Lupus Honest John Honeymoon Bridge Hoola Horn-A-Vika (Poker) Hornafjarðarmanni HORSE (Poker) Horse Race (cards) Horse Race (Dominoes) Horse Racing (Simulation) Hosa Aba HOSE (Poker) Hot Death Uno House Rules Card UNO Howdy Doody (Poker) Humbug Hungarian Dominoes Hurricane Spades Hurrikan Huutopussi I Doubt It! Ice Hockey (Simulation) In Between Indian Chief (Poker) Indian Poker Inflation Games Insurance Hearts Irish (Poker) Irish Don Irish Snap Iron Cross (Poker) Isaludo Island Pineapple (Poker) Italian Dominoes Italian Poker J-Lo (Poker) Jack the Shifter (Poker) Jackpot (Poker) Jacks Back (5 Card Draw) (Poker) Jacks or Better (5 Card Draw) (Poker) James Bond Jass group Jersey Holdem (Poker) Jeu de Carte (Sipa) Jhyap (Yaniv) Jie Long (接龙 - dominoes) Jjak-mat-chu-gi (짝맏추기) Jo-Jotte Joffre Joker Joker High (Oh Hell) Joker Karo Joker's Dagger Jū mǎ pāo (車馬包) Junk Juse K'ap Shap K'ap Tái Shap Kaiser Kaiserjass (Nidwalden) Kakeya Toranpu Kalooki (Caribbean) Kalter Schlag Kaluki Kaluki (European / North American) Kaluki (South Africa) Kan Kani Kansas City Lowball (Poker) Kansas Tornado (Poker) Kapaga Kardball Karnöffel Karnöffel Group Kasino (Finnish) Kasino (Swedish) Katti Kemps Kentucky Rook ® Kierki King King Pedro King Ten Five Group King's Pot (Poker) Kingen Kings Corners Klabberjass Kláber Klaverjassen Kleurenwiezen Kloepper Klondike (dominoes) Kluft Knaves Knock Poker Knock Rummy Knock Rummy Games Knock-Out Whist Knorri Knüffeln Koira Königrufen (Graden) Königrufen (Lungau Tarock) Königrufen (Rußbach) Königrufen (Tarock) Königrufen with a Dummy Kontra (Finniish) Kontsina (Κοντσίνα) Kop Kozel Kraken KRG (Poker) Kritisch-Watten Kruisjassen Kryky (Poker) Krypkasino Krypkille Kryt'-navalivat' Kujong Kvitlech Kwajongen L'Hombre Lame Brain Pete (Poker) Lansquenet Last Chance Last One Last Trick Group Laugavatnsmanni Laugh and Lie Down Laus Laying the Smackdown Layout group Let It Ride Leyden Liege Lord (Poker) Line Literature Llechfan Bezique / Marjolet Loba (Argentina) Loba de Mas Loba de Menos Lockout Loco (Poker) Logic London Lowball (7-card Stud) (Poker) Longana Loo Lora (Serbian, Croatian) Lórum (Hungarian) Lórum (Slovak) Lose last trick Losing Loadum Lost Heir Love That Joker Low Chicago (Poker) Low Hold (Poker) Low Hole (Poker) Low Poker Low-Die (Poker) Lowball (5 Card Stud) (Poker) Lowball (Draw) (Poker) Lowball Guts (Poker) Luck of the Irish (Poker) Lucky-o Luk Fu (六虎) Lupfen Luris Machiavelli Madrasso Magic Uno Mah Jong (麻将) Main Merah Malilla Maltese Cross Mambassa Manager Maniglia Manille Group Manillen Manipulation Rummy Manipulation Rummy Games Manni Manzana Canasta Mao Marafon-Beccaccino Mariaccio Marianna Mariáš Mariglia Marijnissen Marjapussi Marjolet Marriage (Rummy) Marriage group Marshmallow War Mass Cool Casino Matador Matador matching Match Pot Poker Matching games Mate Mattazza Mattis Maw Mechanism Mediatore Meld Scoring Rummy Games Memory Bridge Mendikot Mënsch Mexican Standoff Mexican Stud (Poker) Mexican Sweat (Poker) Mexican Train Michigan Mighty Mille Millone (Tarocchi Bolognesi) Milo Minchiate Minibluff Minibridge Minor Warfare Miscellaneous games Miscellaneous Point-Trick Games Miser Missing Persons Mississippi Gonorrhea Mississippi Mud (Poker) Mitaines Mitigatti (Nice: 1930) Mittlere (Jass) Mixed Poker Mixed Up Masters Mizerka Molotow (Jass) Mom's Bluff Money Montana Domino Rummy Moon More or Less (Poker) Mortal Swords Motor Racing (Simulation) Motown (Poker) Mountain (Poker) Mpourloto Muggins (Dominoes) Mulle Multi-trick games Mura Murder Murder with the 2's (Poker) Mus Mustamaija Mutual of Omaha (Poker) Myllymatti Mystery Wheelbarrow (Poker) Nags Nap Napalm Napoleon (Japanese) Napoleon's War NASDAQ (Poker) Need a Fourth? Neeznáá Dah Yíjihí Negative Ace-Ten Schafkopf Games Neighbor Games Network Network (dominoes) Neuf New Canasta New York New York (Poker) Night Baseball (Poker) Nine Card Don Nine Five Two Ninety-Eight Ninety-Nine (adding game) Ninety-Nine (trick-taking) Ninja NLK No Man's Land No Peek (Poker) No Peek High-Low (Poker) No Trump Group Nobble Nobility Nod Noddy Nomination Whist Noms Non-games Non-Poker Norte Nos Number 9 Train Objective Odds and Ends (Poker) Off-Road Stud (Poker) Ogórek (Cucumber) Oh Hell! Oh Shit (Poker) Okey Okey 101 Oklahoma 10-point Pitch Old Maid Omaha (Poker) Omaha Hi-Lo Eight or Better (Poker) Omaha High (Poker) Omben Omi One Arm Joe one chosen suit One Hundred (adding game) One Man's Trash (Poker) One Player Ninety-Nine One-Eyed Jack One-Minute Solitaire Open Face Chinese Poker Oracle Oriental Rummy Games Other matching rules Other objectives Other patterns Ouch Outplay Games P'yanitsa (Drunkard) Packet games Page One Pai Gow (牌九) Pai Gow Poker Pâi Hông (ไพ่ห้อง) Pain Pairs Paiute Palace of %$#& Palace Poker Pan (Polish) Pandoeren Panguingue Panjpar Paperless Spades Partition Games Partition Games with Combination by Matching Partner Dominoes (Jamaican) Partnership Dominoes (Latin) Paskahousu Pass and Out Pass Cribbage Pass The Trash (Poker) Pass-Pass Pass'Em (Poker) Passing Dominoes Paston Pâsur Pattern Scoring Pawnee 10-point Call Partner Pitch Peaks and Pits Pedro Pedro Sancho Pegs and Jokers Pelmanism Penchant Penguin Patience Penneech Pennies from Heaven People's Democratic Dictatorship Pepper Perlaggen Personal Uno Petrangola Phalanx Phase 10 Phase 10 - alternative Phases Phase 10 + 10 Phat Phoenix Burn Pick a Partner (Poker) Pico Picture Group Pidro for three players Pig Piles (2 Poker) Piling Pilotta Pineapple (Poker) Pineapple OFCP Pinochle Pinochle (3-player Auction) Pinochle (Double Deck) Pinochle (Single Deck Partnership) Pinochle (Three Player) Pinochle (Two Player) Pip-Pip! Piquet Pirate Uno Pishe Pasha Pişti Pitch Pitch with Fives Pitty Pat Plain Trick Games Plus-Minus (Jass) Poch Podrida Point Trick Games Poker Poker Bull Poker Euchre Poker Menteur Poker Uno Poker Variations Poker War Poker with Buying Poker with Passing Pokerize Pokex Polignac Polish Red Dog Ponsi (Poker) Pontoon Pope Joan Porrazo Portraits Positive Ace-Ten Games Positive Ace-Ten Schafkopf games Pöytäpaska Prefa Preferans (Croatian/Serbian/Slovenian) Preferans (Russian) Preferánsz (Donauschwaben) Preference Preference (Austrian) President President Variations Price is Right, The (Poker) Primero Prisoner of War Privacy Poker Prize Dominoes Progressive Badugi Progressive Badugi with a Buy Progressive War Prostoy Durak Proter Psych Psychic War Psycho (Poker) Púkk Pulle (Dominoes) Push (Poker) Push (Rummy) Push It Put Put Group Pyramid Pyramid (Poker) Pyramid (2) (Poker) QiuQiu Quadrille Quan Dui (全對) Quartet Group Quartett Quatre Sept Quattro Scartate (Tarocchi Bolognesi) Quinientos R-M-D Uno Race Games Racehorse (Pitch) Racing Demon Railroad Canasta Rails (Poker) Rake (Poker) Ramchi Ramino Pokerato Ramino Pokerato (carioca) Ramino Pokerato (con Jolly immaginario) Ramino Pokerato (con rilancio) Rams Group Ramsli Rangoon Raub RAW Război Razz Real Poker Realm of the Defenders Red Dragon Red Frog Black Frog Regicide (2) Remi (Indonesia) Repeat Poker Reunion Group Reveille Reverse Games Reverse Shithead Reversis Revolution (Mitch) Ribs Riding Ramone (Poker) Right or Wrong Rikken Ristiklappi Ristikontra Rıfkı Rochester Poker Rocky ROE (Poker) Role Games Roll Your Own (Poker) Romantiles Ronda Rook ® Rook Pyramid Rook Sluff Rose Mau Round the World (Poker) Royal Assassin Royal Casino Royal Hold'em (Poker) Royal Spades Rubamazzo Rubber Band Cribbage Rubber Bridge Ruby Run (Poker) Ruff and Honours Rufmariasch Rugby (Simulation) Rugby League Rummikub ® Rummikub ® (American) Rummikub ® (Internationsl) Rummikub ® (Sabra) Rummy (basic) Rummy (Indian) Rummy 500 Rummy Games Ruotsalainen paskahousu Russeln Rússi Russian Bank Russian Poker Russian Roulette (Poker) Saat-Aath Sab’at Al-Deemin (سعبة الديمن) Sam Sip (ผสมสิบ) Samba Same'Em (Poker) San Francisco (Poker) Sancagna Sang Krip Sap Ng Wu (十五湖) Sasaki (사사끼) Saskop Satat Scala Quaranta Scat Schafkopf (Bavarian) Schafkopf (Deutscher) Schafkopf (Palatinate) Schafkopf Group Schembil Schieber Jass Schieberamsch Schnapsen Schwimmen Scopa Scopa Bazzica Scopa con le Scalette Scopa Corse Scopa d'Assi Scopa di Quindici Scopone Scramble War Screwin' Herman (Poker) Scum of the Earth Sebastopol Sechsundsechzig Second Hand High (Poker) Secrets of the Universe Sedanto Sedma Sedma (Dominoes) Sedma group Sedma osmová Sedmice Seep Selection / Rejection (Poker) Sequence (Poker) Sequence Gin Sequitur Sergeant Major SET® Seven and What Makes It (Poker) Seven Bridge Seven Card Draw Poker Seven Card Open Draw (Poker) Seven Card Stud (Poker) Seven Card Stud High-Low (Poker) Seven Card Stud with Wild Cards (Poker) Seven Rocks Seven Twenty-Seven Seven-card Regrets (Poker) Seven-Toed Pete (Dominoes) Sevens (Dominoes) Sex in the Middle East (Poker) Shanghai Shanghai (dominoes) Shared Card Poker Shared Card Poker with Wild Cards Shedding Games Sheepshead Shēng Jí (升级) Shichi Narabe Shithead Shlla'at (شَلَّعَت) SHOE (Poker) Shogun Shoot Shoot Pontoon Shop Solitaire Showdown games Shrine Sì Sè Pái (四色牌) Sidi Barrani (Jass) Simple Rummy Simultaneous Solitaire Single Dummy Bridge Sink-Sink Sipa (Togo) Siwweschrööm Six Card Draw (Poker) Six Card Open Draw (Poker) Six-Bid Solo Sixty-Three Sjavs Skarney Skat Skin Skitgubbe Skruuvi Skuck Skyscraper Skyscraper Elevator (Poker) Slabberjan Slam-aha (Poker) Slapjack Slippery Sam Slosh Slovak Double Barrel (Poker) Smack My Bitch Up (Poker) Smear Smith Uno Snap Sniff Snip Snap Snorum Snitch'ems Sökö (Stud Poker) Solitaire Bridge Solitaire card games Solitaire domino games Solitaire games Solitaire Uno Solitary Gin Solo Nus Solo Whist Sorting Southern Deuce Hold'em (Poker) Space War, The Spades Spades (Poker) Spar Sparts (and Spartsel) specific number of cards Speculation Speed Speed Uno Speed War Spellevate Spidge Spiralling Shape Spit Spit in the Ocean (Poker) Spite and Malice Spitzer Spizzichino Split Pot Poker Split Pot Stud Poker Spoil Five group Spokane Open Wild (Poker) Spoons (Eights) Sport Simulations Spot Spot Hearts Spots (Poker) Stacks Staekske Rape Stanley Cup Run Star Steal War Stealing Bundles Stop the Bus Stop, Drop and Roll (Poker) Stops group Stortok Stovkahra Strafperlaggen Stratego (Dominoes) Streets and Avenues Strike! Strip Poker Strobe (Poker) Stud Poker Stud poker with wild cards Stud poker with wild cards and buying Stud-Jack (Poker) Stýrivolt Substitution (Poker) Subtraction War Sueca Sueca Italiana Suicide Suicide Swiss Hold'em (Poker) Suit High Suits Duel Super Dominoes Super Hearts Super Screw Your Neighbour Super Wild Phase 10 Superjack: The Game Superjoker Sviten Special Svoi Kozyri Svoi Kozyri (Besikovich) Sweet Chariot (Poker) Swingo (Poker) Swiss Hold'em (Poker) Swiss Jass Switch (Poker) Swoop SWOPS Ta Gou Ta Doi (搭九搭对) Table Top Cribbage Table Top Cribbage Solitaire Tablić Taboo Tahiti Tahoe (Poker) Tàihé A Bāo (泰和A包) Talon-Schnapsen Tantra Tapiola Hold'em (Poker) Tapp Tarock Tarneeb Tarocchi (Piedicavallo) Tarocchi (Sicilian) Tarocchi Bolognesi (Ottocento) Tarock (Tessiner) Tarock (Tübingen) Tarok (Danish) Tarok (Romanian) Tarok (Slovenian) Taroki (Polish, call king) Taroki (Polish, call XIX) Tarokk (Hungarian) Tarokk (Illustrated Hungarian) Taroky (Czech) Tarot (Chambéry 1902) Tarot (French) Tarot Games Tarot of the Abbé de Marolles (1637) Tartli Tau Ngau Tauko Hogni Tausendeins Team Uno Tedesco Gin Teen Patti Teka Telefunken Telefunken Desordenata Telesina Ten Card Rummy Ten-Card Regrets (Poker) Tennis (2) Tennis (Simulation) Texas 42 Texas 88 Texas Dozen (Poker) Texas Hold'em (Poker) Texas Hold'em Bonus Texas Reach Around (Poker) Texas Tornado (Poker) That's It The Bluffs (Poker) The Game Called 'The' (Poker) The Seven Pis Thirty Point Black Tile Three Card Monte Three Card Poker Three Dozen Three Five Seven (Poker) Three-Hole Poker Three-Player Spades (Darrin Berkley) Three-Player Spades with Two Decks Three-Thirteen Rummy Three-Two-One (Poker) Throw-up Dominoes Thunee (South African) Thuni (Nigerian) Tic Tac Toe (Poker) Tiddly-Wink (American) Tiddly-Wink (British) Tien Gow (天九) Tiến Lên Tiger Bridge Tile Matching Solitaire Tile Rummy (Romanian) Tips To The Fat One (Poker) Tiu-U (釣魚) Tjuv Tod und Leben (Life and Death) Toepen Tong Its Tonk Toonerville Rook Top Trumps Toruro Total War Tournament Blackjack Towers and Bowers Tractor (拖拉机) Train family Train Wreck (Poker) Trains Traitor Trappola Group Trash Traversone Tree Trees (Poker) Treikort Tres y Dos Tresillo Tressette Tressette Group Tri Palki (три палки) Trib Tribello Trick Walls Trick-Taking Games Trigami Trionfetti Trionfo (Beccaccino) Triple Deck Solitaire Triple Draw (Poker) Tripoli Trips to Win (5 Card Draw) (Poker) Trix Trjámann Troccas Troefcall Troeven Troggu Truc (Catalonia) Truc (France) Truco Truco (Argentinean) Truco (Uruguayan) Truco Mineiro Truco Paulista Truf Trump Group Trunks Tsung Shap Tunkhannock 14-point Pitch Tuppenny Ha'penny Loo Turbo Hearts Turkish Poker Turnover Bridge Tute Tute (individual) Tute americano Tute arrastrado Tute cabrero Tute corriente Tute gana-pierde Tute habanero Tute subastado Tuxedo Twenty (2) Twenty-Eight Twenty-Four Twenty-Nine Twenty-One Point Black Tile Twenty-Six Twenty-Two Twist Solitaire Twist'em (Dominoes) two chosen suits Two Eleven (Poker) Two Hundred Two plus One (Poker) Two Thirds (Poker) Two-Player Spades (Darrin Berkley) Two-Spit (Poker) Two-Step Tysiąc (1000) U-G-O Ugly Uke-Shogi Ulti Umtali Unbreakable Uncle Bob's Left Nut (Poker) UNO Uno from Hell Uno with slapping, sliding and blank cards UNO: YS Duel Card Variation Up-Down-Stop Up-Down-Stop44 Valepaska Vancouver Stud (Poker) Vändåtta Vändtia Vatikan Vatra Vazhushal Verish' Ne Verish' Video Poker Vier-Anderle Viersche Vint Vira Vitou Viuda, La Voormsi Vying Games Waiting for Godot (Poker) Wall Street (Poker) Wall Street (Scopa variant) Wamptu War War (Syrian) War group War of Kingdoms Water Sharks Watten Weeping Willow (Poker) Welsh Warfare Wheelers (Poker) Whisky Poker Whist (classic) Whist (Israeli) Whist (Minnesota) Whist (Romanian) Whist (two-player) Whist Group Who Da Baby Daddy Is (Poker) Who Dares Wins Whot ® (British) Whot ® (Nigerian) Whysteria Widow Jack (Poker) Wiezen Wife Beater Wild Card Poker Wild Speed Wildouble Win last trick Wizard Duel Wizards Grimoire Woodstock (Poker) Woolworth (Poker) Woolworth's Jackpot Penalty MJTF (Poker) Wraparound (Poker) Wrestling Wrestling (Simulation) Xeri (Ξερή) Xiàng Shí Fù (相十副) Xoşkîn Yonin-Kan YouKnow Yukon Yukon Hold'em (Poker) Z (Poker) Žandari Zanga Zecchinetta Zhăo Péngyou (找朋友) Zhēng Fēn (挣分) Zhēng Shàngyóu (争上游) Zifuli Zigzag Zole Zoot (Poker) Zsírozás Zwanzig ab Zwanzigerrufen Zwicker