Tarokk Survey

In 1997, Gyula Zsigri of Szeged University carried out a survey of eleven groups of Tarokk players from various parts of Hungary to find out which variations were most prevalent. Here is his summary of the results:

4 questionnaires were filled in by different (and unrelated) groups from Budapest,
3 by groups with mixed players from Budapest and Vác,
1 from Vác, 2 from Szeged and 1 from Nyíregyháza.

I.     Bidding: A3, B2, A1
       Question: Can B hold?
       9 Yes, 2 No (1 from Szeged, 1 from Nyíregyháza)

II. a) A3, B2, A1
       Question: What tarokk is indicated?
       10 XIX, 1 no cue bid (strong hand with Skíz)

II. b) A3, B2, C solo
       Question: What tarokk is indicated?
       9 XIX, 2 XVIII

III.   Can the XX be put in the skart?
       6 No, 5 Yes

IV.    1. Can you annull the hand with
       a) a singleton XXI............11 Yes
       b) a singleton Pagat...........9 Yes
       c) a doubleton XXI and Pagat...6 Yes
       d) no tarokks.................10 Yes
       e) four kings in hand.........10 Yes
       f) other holding...............1 Yes
         (doubleton XXI and II, tripleton XXI, II, and I)

       2. Can you annull the hand with a singleton XXI
          if you have put tarokk in the skart?
          9 No, 2 Yes

V.     Can a player announce both duplajáték and volát?
       a) Yes, but not in the same turn (duplajáték first)
          7 votes
       b) Yes, even in the same turn -- 3 votes
       c) No -- 1 vote

VI.    Can you score for silent trull if volát is made?
       9 No, 2 Yes

VII.   The answers can be summarized as follows:

       The majority of the informant groups do not score
       for the simple game when silent duplajáték
       (7 out of 11) or silent volát (9 out of 10) is made.

       Practically all (10 out of 11) groups score
       both for duplajáték and volát if duplajáték has
       been announced, no matter whether the volát is
       announced or not.

       The majority (8) does not score for the simple
       game if duplajáték is announced and silent volát
       is made, but this majority reduces to 6 groups
       if both duplajáték and volát are announced and made,
       which questions the reliability of some informants.

VIII.  7 groups play Paskievics, 3 play Illusztrált,
       and 1 group plays Magas Tarokk (High Tarokk).

This page is maintained by John McLeod (john@pagat.com).   © John McLeod, 1998. Last updated: 28th April 1998
