Poker Variations
There are many versions of poker. Some players stick to just one version; others like to play many different variants. This page provides a classified index of poker variations whose rules are available on The columns indicate the type of variant - some belong to several categories. The table includes many invented poker variants, which may be known only to a few players, and have in most cases been contributed by the people or groups who invented them: these are listed in italics.
Below the table of variations, there are sections on:
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Variant | Game type |
2 plus 1 |
match |
2-11 |
shared high/low split |
3 5 7 |
wild match |
3-2-1 |
draw match |
4-2-2 |
wild match |
4-2-3 |
shared wild match |
5 and 2 or 3 |
match |
5 Card Double Draw High-Low |
draw high/low split |
5 Card Draw Deuces Wild |
draw wild |
5 Card Draw Poker |
draw |
5 Card Draw with a Bug |
draw wild |
5 Card Omaha |
shared |
5 Card Open Draw (sequential) |
draw |
5 Card Open Draw (simple) |
draw |
5 Card Roll Your Own |
stud wild |
5 Card Stud |
stud |
5 Card Stud High-Low |
stud high/low split |
5 Card Stud High-Low With a Buy |
stud high/low split buy |
5-2-1 Roll 'Em |
stud high/low split |
5s |
draw buy |
6 Card Draw |
draw |
6 Card Omaha |
shared |
6 Card Open Draw |
draw |
7 and What Makes It |
stud wild |
7 Card Draw Poker |
draw |
7 Card Open Draw |
draw |
7 Card Regrets |
stud |
7 Card Stud |
stud |
7 Card Stud High-Low |
stud high/low split |
7 Card Stud with Wild Cards |
stud high/low wild split |
7 minus 7 |
other |
7-27 |
other |
8 Game Mix |
draw shared low high/low split mixed |
10 Card Regrets |
stud high/low split |
32-card Poker |
draw |
43 |
draw shared high/low split |
Abyssinia |
stud high/low split buy |
Ace-To-Five Lowball [= California Lowball] |
draw low wild |
Ace-To-Six Lowball (Draw) |
draw low |
Aces, Straights and Flushes |
stud shared |
All for One and One for All |
draw |
Anaconda [= Pass The Trash] |
stud high/low split pass |
Assassin |
draw |
Auction |
stud high/low split buy |
Auction Flop Poker |
draw buy |
Babies' Daddy |
stud wild |
Badugi |
draw low |
Baseball |
stud wild buy |
Baseball, National League Rules |
stud wild |
Big Al's Guillotine |
match |
Big O [= 5 Card Omaha] |
shared |
Billy Baxter Lowball [= Kansas City Lowball] |
draw low |
Binglao |
shared |
Bitch, The |
stud split |
Black Mariah |
stud |
Blind Hold'em |
shared |
Blind Man's Buff [= Indian Poker] |
other |
Blind Omaha |
shared |
Blue Beacon |
draw shared |
Boise |
shared high/low split |
Bonus Round |
match mixed other |
Boo-Ray [= Bourré] |
other |
Bounce Back |
draw |
Bourré |
other |
Box |
draw shared high/low split |
Breaker |
shared |
Brocky |
other |
Buck Thirty-Five |
draw high/low wild split |
Buddha's Folly |
pass match |
Buddys Game |
shared high/low split buy |
Buy Your Card / Substitution |
stud high/low split buy |
California Draw Poker [= Five Card Draw Poker] |
draw |
California Lowball |
draw low wild |
California Stud [= Sökö] |
stud |
Celestial Poker [= Sviten Special] |
draw shared |
Chameleon |
stud wild buy |
Chase the Ace [= Cuckoo] |
other |
Chicago |
stud split |
Chinese Poker |
other |
shared low high/low split mixed |
draw shared low high/low wild split mixed |
Chowaha |
shared high/low split |
Church [= Iron Cross] |
shared high/low wild split |
Cincinnati |
shared wild split |
Circle Jerk |
shared wild |
Cold Omaha |
shared high/low split |
Courchevel |
shared |
Cowboy, Cowgirl, Cowpattie |
draw high/low split match |
Cowpie Poker |
stud split |
Craps |
pass |
Crazy 3-5-7 |
wild match |
Crazy 4 of Spades |
draw wild |
Crazy Blind Man |
shared pass |
Crazy Dutchy |
shared pass |
Crazy Pineapple |
shared |
Crazy Pineapple Hi-Lo |
shared high/low split |
Criss Cross [= Iron Cross] |
shared high/low wild split |
Criss Cross [= Tic Tac Toe] |
shared high/low wild split |
Cucamonga |
shared high/low split |
Cuckoo |
other |
Dakota |
stud high/low wild split buy |
Dead Deuce |
stud wild |
Dealer's Choice |
match mixed other |
Delaware Stud |
stud shared |
Depot |
shared |
Deuce-To-Seven Lowball [= Kansas City Lowball] |
draw low |
Deuces & Jacks & the Man with the Axe |
stud wild |
Diablo |
draw wild |
Dirty Schultz |
stud wild buy |
Do Ya |
stud wild pass |
Doogie |
shared high/low split |
Double Draw |
draw low |
Double Elevator |
shared wild |
Double Trouble |
shared high/low split buy |
Double-Edge Trim-Saw |
shared wild |
Eddie's Choice |
stud wild pass |
Egyptian Hold'em |
shared |
Eight Game Mix |
draw shared low high/low split mixed |
El Dorado Hold'em |
shared wild |
Elevator |
shared high/low split |
Elimination |
other |
English Stud |
stud buy |
Estonian Twist |
shared pass |
Faces of Death |
stud |
Fierce |
match |
Fifteen Thirty_five |
other |
Five and Two or Three |
match |
Five Card Draw Deuces Wild |
draw wild |
Five Card Draw Poker |
draw |
Five Card Draw with a Bug |
draw wild |
Five Card Omaha [= 5 Card Omaha] |
shared |
Five Card Roll Your Own |
stud wild |
Five Card Stud |
stud |
Five Card Stud High-Low |
stud high/low split |
Five Card Stud High-Low With a Buy |
stud high/low split buy |
Five-card Double Draw High-Low |
draw high/low split |
Five-card Open Draw (sequential) |
draw |
Five-card Open Draw (simple) |
draw |
Fives |
draw buy |
Flaming Cross |
shared high/low wild split |
Follow The Queen |
stud wild |
Football |
other |
Football |
stud wild buy |
Football (3) |
stud wild buy |
Forty-Three |
draw shared high/low split |
Four of a Kind |
other |
Four Up, Four Down |
stud wild |
Four-Two-Three [= 4-2-3] |
shared wild match |
Four-Two-Two [= 4-2-2] |
wild match |
Freak of Nature |
draw wild |
Fred Potato |
shared |
Good, the Bad and the Ugly, The |
stud wild |
Grocery Store Dots |
stud split buy |
Guts |
match |
Have a Heart |
stud pass |
Hearts Poker |
stud shared pass |
Henway |
stud high/low split |
Herbie |
wild match |
High Card Poker |
other |
High Chicago [= Chicago] |
stud split |
High-Die |
draw wild |
High-Low Chicago |
stud split |
shared high/low split mixed |
Hollywood Hold'em |
draw shared |
Horn-A-Vika |
stud shared buy |
shared low high/low split mixed |
shared high/low split mixed |
Howdy Doody |
stud high/low wild split pass |
Indian Chief |
shared |
Indian Poker |
other |
Irish |
shared |
Iron Cross |
shared high/low wild split |
Island Pineapple |
draw shared wild |
Italian Poker |
draw |
J-Lo |
draw low |
Jack the Shifter |
stud |
Jackpot |
draw |
Jacks Back (5 Card Draw) |
draw high/low wild |
Jacks or Better (5 Card Draw) |
draw |
Jersey Holdem |
shared high/low split |
Kansas City Lowball |
draw low |
Kansas Tornado |
shared |
King's Pot |
shared buy |
shared |
Kryky |
shared high/low wild split |
Lame Brain Pete |
shared wild |
Late Show [= Low Hole] |
stud wild |
Liege Lord |
stud pass |
Loco |
shared |
London Lowball (7-card Stud) |
stud low |
Loo |
other |
Low Chicago |
stud split |
Low Hold |
stud wild buy |
Low Hole |
stud wild |
Low-Die |
draw wild |
Lowball (5 Card Stud) |
stud low |
Lowball (Draw) |
draw low |
Lowball Guts |
low match |
Luck of the Irish |
stud wild buy |
Luosong Pai Jiu [= Chinese Poker] |
other |
Mexican Stud |
stud high/low split |
Mexican Sweat |
stud |
Midnight Baseball [= Night Baseball] |
stud wild buy |
Mississippi Gonorrhea |
draw high/low split |
Mississippi Mud |
stud high/low split |
More or Less |
stud low |
Motown |
stud split |
Mountain |
wild |
Murder with the 2's |
stud wild buy |
Mutual of Omaha |
shared high/low split buy |
Mystery Wheelbarrow |
pass |
Napalm |
high/low match |
high/low split buy pass |
New York New York |
stud high/low split |
Night Baseball |
stud wild buy |
No Peek |
stud |
No Peek Baseball [= Night Baseball] |
stud wild buy |
No Peek High-Low |
stud high/low split |
Odds and Ends |
shared wild |
OFCP [= Open Face Chinese Poker] |
other |
Off Suit Lowball [= Badugi] |
draw low |
Off-Road Stud |
shared |
Oh Shit |
shared high/low split |
Omaha |
shared |
Omaha Hi-Lo Eight or Better |
shared high/low split |
Omaha High |
shared |
Omaha/8 [= Omaha Hi-Lo Eight or Better] |
shared high/low split |
One Man's Trash |
shared |
Open Face Chinese Poker |
other |
Pai Gow Poker |
other |
Palace Poker |
draw stud |
Pass The Trash |
stud high/low split pass |
Pass'Em |
shared high/low split pass |
Pepito [= Chinese Poker] |
other |
Phoenix Burn |
match |
Pick a Partner |
stud split |
Piles |
shared high/low split |
Pineapple |
shared |
Poker all'italiana [= Italian Poker] |
draw |
Ponsi |
shared high/low buy |
Price is Right, The |
stud high/low split buy |
Privacy Poker |
stud shared |
Progressive Badugi |
draw low |
Progressive Badugi with a Buy |
stud low buy |
Psycho |
draw stud high/low split |
Push |
stud buy pass |
Pusoy [= Chinese Poker] |
other |
Pyramid |
shared high/low wild split |
Pyramid (2) |
shared high/low split |
Rails |
shared |
Rake |
draw stud |
Ranter Go Round [= Cuckoo] |
other |
Razz |
stud low |
Real Poker |
shared high/low split |
Respect the Four [= Four Up, Four Down] |
stud wild |
Riding Ramone |
stud low |
Rochester Poker |
pass |
low high/low split mixed |
Roll Your Own |
stud high/low split |
Round the World |
shared |
Royal Hold'em |
shared |
Ruby Run |
shared |
Russian Roulette |
shared |
Same'Em |
shared |
San Francisco |
stud split |
Sap Sam Cheung [= Chinese Poker] |
other |
Screw Your Neighbor [= Cuckoo] |
other |
Screwin' Herman |
wild |
Second Hand High |
stud |
Selection / Rejection |
stud high/low split pass |
Sequence |
stud wild |
Seven and What Makes It |
stud wild |
Seven Card Draw Poker |
draw |
Seven Card Open Draw |
draw |
Seven Card Stud |
stud |
Seven Card Stud High-Low |
stud high/low split |
Seven Card Stud with Wild Cards |
stud high/low wild split |
Seven minus Seven [= 7 minus 7] |
other |
Seven Twenty-Seven |
other |
Seven-card Regrets |
stud |
Sex in the Middle East |
stud wild |
shared high/low split mixed |
Six Card Draw |
draw |
Six Card Omaha [= 6 Card Omaha] |
shared |
Six Card Open Draw |
draw |
Skyscraper Elevator |
shared wild |
Slam-aha |
shared high/low wild split |
Slovak Double Barrel |
shared |
Smack My Bitch Up |
stud wild |
Sökö |
stud |
Southern Deuce Hold'em |
shared wild |
Spades |
stud wild buy |
Spit in the Ocean |
draw shared wild |
Spokane Open Wild |
stud wild pass |
Spots |
shared high/low split |
Stop, Drop and Roll |
shared |
Stripped Deck Poker [= 32-card Poker] |
draw |
Strobe |
shared |
Stud-Jack |
stud split |
Substitution |
stud high/low split |
Suicide Swiss Hold'em |
shared wild buy |
Sviten Special |
draw shared |
Sweet Chariot |
shared low |
Swingo |
shared |
Swiss Hold'em |
shared buy |
Switch |
pass |
Tahoe |
shared |
Tapiola Hold'em |
shared |
Telesina |
stud |
Ten-Card Regrets |
stud high/low split |
Texas Dozen |
shared |
Texas Hold'em |
shared |
Texas Reach Around |
shared wild buy |
Texas Tornado |
shared |
The Bluffs |
shared high/low split buy |
The Game Called 'The' |
shared |
THORSEHA [= Eight Game Mix] |
draw shared low high/low split mixed |
Three Five Seven |
wild match |
Three-Hole Poker |
shared |
Three-Two-One |
draw match |
Tic Tac Toe |
shared high/low wild split |
Tips To The Fat One |
other |
Train Wreck |
stud buy pass |
Trees |
draw pass |
Triple Draw |
draw low |
Trips to Win (5 Card Draw) |
draw |
Türk pokeri [= Turkish Poker] |
draw |
Turkish Poker |
draw |
Two Eleven |
shared high/low split |
Two plus One |
match |
Two Thirds |
stud |
Two-Spit |
stud high/low wild split buy |
Uncle Bob's Left Nut |
draw wild |
Vancouver Stud |
stud shared |
Waiting for Godot |
stud shared |
Wall Street |
stud high/low split buy |
Want it? Want it? Got it! [= Selection / Rejection] |
stud high/low split pass |
Weeping Willow |
stud buy pass |
Wheelers |
match |
Whipsaw [= Napalm] |
high/low match |
Who Da Baby Daddy Is |
stud wild |
Wichita Hold'em [= Tahoe] |
shared |
Widow Jack |
stud split |
Woodstock |
shared |
Woolworth |
stud wild buy |
Woolworth's Jackpot Penalty MJTF |
stud wild buy |
Wraparound |
shared |
Yukon Hold'em |
shared |
Z |
shared high/low split |
Zoot |
match |
Classification of Variations
Poker variants are traditionally classified as draw games, stud games and shared card (community card) games, mainly according to the way the cards are dealt . However, there are variants that fall into more than one of these categories or none of them, and there are other useful but overlapping categories. The table on this page uses the following categories and shows which ones each variant belongs to.
- draw - draw poker games in which players have the chance to improve their hand by discarding some cards and obtaining replacements from the dealer.
- stud - stud or open poker games in which some of the players' cards are dealt face up, usually with several betting rounds during the deal
- shared - shared card or community card games in which some cards are dealt face up to the table or board, and are available to all players to use as part of their hand
- low - low poker or lowball games in which the lowest poker hand wins, rather than the highest poker hand
- high/low - poker games where the whole or part of the pot can be won by having the highest hand or the lowest hand in the showdown
- wild - poker games where one or more cards are designated wild and can be used to represent other cards, thereby improving the owner's hand
- split - poker games in which the pot is divided between two or more winners according to different criteria such as highest hand, lowest hand, highest spade, and so on.
- buy - poker games in which players can pay an extra amount to the pot for a privilege such as an extra card or a card exchange.
- pass - poker games in which players pass some of their cards to other players or trade cards with others.
- match - games in which a player who stays in but does not win the showdown pays a penalty, which goes into the pot for the following deal: often the penalty is to match the pot, paying an amount equal to the total current pot size.
- mixed - games that consist of several different poker games played in succession, either in a fixed sequence or chosen by the players.
- other - games that are not really poker variants, but are sometimes allowed as options in a dealer's choice poker game.
The category links lead to pages dedicated to each type, each page having an index of the variants that belong to that category.
Many home poker players like to be creative and invent their own variants. Some of these new games catch on and become widely known, while most probably continue to be played only by their originators and maybe a few other groups. Since poker variants are continually being created and going in and out of fashion, it is difficult to distinguish between "traditional" poker variants and "invented" variants, some of which may eventually turn out to be as interesting as the traditional ones, if not more so. In the table, invented poker variants, many of which were contributed by their inventors, are listed in italics.
Note: games loosely based on poker in which players do not play against each other but against the house or against a machine, such as Three Card Poker, Caribbean Poker and Video Poker are not listed on this page but will be found in the Banking Games section.
Other Collections of Poker Variants
No poker variant collection can be complete - new ones are being developed all the time, and many people have local house rules or may play the same variants but give them different names. Here is a selection of web sites with poker variant rules. If the poker game you are looking for is not listed on, you may find it in one of these other collections.
Craig 'Ichabod' O'Brien's large database of Poker Variants is also available in a Github repository.
Mike's Poker Pages contain a collection of rules for well over 100 poker variants.
Justin du Coeur's Querki has a Poker Variants Space with descriptions of a selection of recommended poker variants.
Archive copy of Peter Sarrett's poker variants collection, whose contents originally formed the basis of the collection here at
David Lenton's Play Lowball Poker site has rules and information for several Lowball games.