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Suppliers of Playing-Cards and Equipment

Suppliers of Modern and Antique Playing-Cards

TaroBear's Lair specialises in supplying European regional playing-cards, including Tarot, Tarock and Tarocchi cards, to players in North America.

The Alida web site has a good selection of Italian cards for sale.

Houseofcards.de stocks a range of playing-cards including German and Austrian regional designs, accepts payment in cryptocurrency and ships internationally.

Naipes Zaca is a Spanish online playing-card store selling playing-cards of various designs from around the world, including of course Spanish cards.

Cartorama deal in antique playing-cards, paper and books.

JP Games is a UK-based company specialising in premium quality limited edition playing-cards for card manipulators (cardistry) and collectors.

Spielkarten Welt sells playing-cards and card game books on line.

MacGregor Historic Games produce reproductions of historic playing-cards for reenactors; also historic board, dice and card games.

playingcards.de offers a range of standard international pattern cards, some regional Swiss, Bavarian and Spanish pattern cards, and many non-standard cards with novelty backs and faces.

HG Images - dealer in playing-cards.

Gifts and Supplies for Card Players offers a range of playing-cards (mainly Anglo-American 52-card packs) and card-playing accessories.

Troll and Toad specialises in trading card games (CCGs) but their Card Games section has a substantial range of proprietary (commercial) card games for sale.

D.J.McAdam's Wooden Horse Books sells playing-cards and other games; also gaming literature (new and second hand).

Newt's Playing Card Superstore sells a range of American and Spanish playing-cards.

Wolfgang Kunze's Spielkarten Online sells a range of standard and non-standard second hand playing-cards for collectors.

Games et al sells playing-cards and other games to collectors.

Parnell Playing Card Co have auctions of playing-cards, Faro equipment and antiques.

Texas-based playingcards.net mostly sells standard Anglo-American 52-card decks, specialising in high quality cards for flourishing, cardistry and conjuring. Cards with custom backs and faces are also supplied.

Playing-Card Manufacturers

Here are links to home pages of some playing-card manufacturers, producing a range of standard, non-standard and custom playing-cards.

Special Playing-Cards

Cards with special features such as extra suits or unusual designs.

Magnetic and waterproof cards

Kling Magnetic Playing Cards (USA). These cards have a thin metal film in the centre so that they cling to a magnetic playing surface. Useful for playing out of doors in a breeze.

Five-suited decks

Stardeck cards are like a standard pack with a fifth suit of stars plus two jokers - 67 cards in all.

Tarot or tarock cards have the usual four suits (usually with 8 or 14 cards in each) plus an extra, longer "suit" of 21 trumps and a fool card. TaroBear's Lair specialises in supplying Tarot, Tarock and Tarocchi playing-cards to players in North America

Six-suited decks

Deck6 is a six-suited deck with three red suits (hearts, diamonds, shields), three black suits (clubs, spades, cups) and three jokers (total 81 cards).

In the past, there have been various other six-suited card decks. For example Sextet had two red suits (hearts and diamonds), two black suits (spades and clubs) and two blue suits (wheels and rackets). Empire cards had three red suits (hearts, diamonds and crowns) and three black suits (clubs, spades and anchors). Solitaire for Two was a six-suited deck in tile form. There were two red suits (hearts and diamonds), two black suits (spades and clubs) and two green suits (wheels and anchors) plus a joker of each colour, for a total of 81 tiles. Unfortunately all these are now out of print, so far as I know.

Eight-suited decks

The Toss deck has eight 13-card suits (two red, two black, two blue and two gold) and eight jokers (one of each colour, two "boss" and two "null"): 112 cards in all. The web site has suggested adaptations of some popular card games: spades, rummy, hearts.

The Fat Pack has eight suits (four red and four black), with five identical jokers.

Long suits

For over a century, four suited decks with extra numeral cards (black 11s and 12s plus red 11s, 12s and 13s, total 62 cards plus jokers) have been made for the rarely played six-handed version of 500. For example the Bicycle Six Handed 500 Card Deck is available from amazon.com, Piatnik 500 Playing-Cards from Mind Games. The Realm 500 Playing Cards of 64 cards plus 2 jokers is distributed in New Zealand for example by stationeryonline.co.nz.

SHP games used to publish Zero Mod playing cards including 11's and 12's of all four suits: 60 cards plus jokers. The name refers to the fact that the 60 cards can be dealt equally to 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 players without remainder.

Different suits

Cards using Anglo-American and similar patterns, using the (originally French) suits of hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades are known worldwide. Alongside these, traditional cards with other suits are commonly used in central and southern Europe, North Africa, parts of Central and South America and the Far East. See the classified index for further information on these cards and the games that are played with them. For players in North America, TaroBear's Lair is able to supply many of these regional cards.

Non-standard playing-card decks with artisitic and novelty designs

  • White Knuckle Playing Cards - a newly drawn version of the traditional English pattern, from Australia.
  • ProsperoArt.com produce Shakespeare Bridge decks featuring quotations and insults from the plays; also Rat Pack poker decks.

Makers and Suppliers of Custom Playing-Cards

Admagic.com suppies custom playing cards to order. You submit your own design for the backs or for the backs and faces.

TM Cards specialise in producing custom playing-cards to order. The customer can specify the face and back designs, the card size and materials, and the number of cards in the pack.

The Game Crafter manufactures cards and other game components to order. Their service is ideal for prototyping and small quantities - even down to just one copy. The game they produce for you can also be sold online through their web site.

There are several Chinese companies that can produce a wide variety of custom designed playing-cards to order:

Personalised Playing Cards is a UK-based company offering playing-cards with custom face and backs, or standard English faces and custom backs. Designs can be submitted online.

Printer's Studio supply playing-cards which can be customised by uploading your own images for the faces and backs. Orders for small quantities are acceptable.

Shuffled Ink (formerly QPC Games / Quality Playing Cards Inc. / Playing Cards R Us), based in Orlando, Florida, USA, will produce custom playing-cards with your own face and back design; also other game accessories such as boards and chips.

Ivory Graphics is a UK supplier of custom playing-cards with personalised backs and/or faces.

The Canadian firm Palaimon Playing-Cards produces playing-cards to your specification with ciustom backs and/or faces.

Monogrammatiks imprint Bridge cards with your own custom design or message on the back.

MakePlayingCards.com is a Hong Kong based company supplying promotional playing-cards with custom backs or faces and backs worldwide.

At Your Playing Cards.com you can create your own back designs on line and order decks of standard playing-cards with these backs.

The UK company Zyan can supply promotional playing-cards with custom backs or faces and backs.

Makers and Suppliers of Card Game Equipment

The Las Vegas Card Shuffler is available from Dollys Mixtures.

The Italian company Del Fabbro makes folding card tables as well as other wooden furniture.

DK Gameroom Outlet is a US supplier of playing cards, accessories and casino equipment.

PoolDawg based in Colorado, USA, supplies chipsets, dealer shoes, shufflers and a range of other card and gaming equipment.

Equipment for Domino and Tile Games

The AlexCramer Company supplies high quality precision made domino sets and hand-crafted wooden boxes for dominoes.

Where the Winds Blow specialises in selling Mah Jong sets, books and accessories.

Home Page > Links to other information > Suppliers of Cards and Equipment
This page is maintained by John McLeod (john@pagat.com).   © John McLeod, 2005-2024. Last updated: 15th November 2024
