Four Fucks Sake
This is a variation of Shithead contributed by Sean Clark (, who writes:
"Back in '95 several friends and I decided that the best thing about Shithead was deliberatly trying to get someone to pick up and hearing them saying "for fucks sake!" as everyone else giggled. So we made a variation called "Four Fucks Sake" which we think is a little more vicious."
- The dealer deals four face down cards, fours face up cards and four cards four for each players hand
- Fours must be played in sequence, apart from the four of clubs, and require the next player to pick up (i.e. they are "fucked") unless they have a four, eight, ten or four of a kind. Two fours played together will "fuck" the next play but one. The four of clubs can be played on any card.
- Eights are transparent, change the direction of play and can be played on any card including a four.
- Nines require the next play to play lower than or equal to a nine.
- Tens can be played on anything and clear the pile.
- Queens miss out the next player. Two queens played together will miss out the two next players.
- Four of a kinds can be played on any card and act like a ten to clear the pile.
- The loser is a fucker