
(Dice and Dominoes)


This game is different from the more conventional game of dominoes in that it uses both dice and dominoes. One or two dice are thrown to produce a random number (1-12). Two dominoes are then selected by a player to make the random number.


A double six domino set with two dice (normal 6 sided dice)

An Overview

The game involves the use of dice to select the number to be made using two dominoes from the player's hand. There is a high level of choice for a player and this increases the level of skill required. The aim is that over a series of rounds or hands to have the highest score, or to be the first to reach an agreed total.

The Play

For the four-player game the dominoes are turned face down, shuffled and each player takes seven. One player is selected to start either by previously drawing a tile, the highest winning, or simply by age or by whatever means is preferred - often the most bossy organiser begins!

Players look at their hands but keep them secret from the opposition.

The starting player is the DiceThrower and having examined his hand decides how many dice to throw- either one or two. Deciding upon the number of dice to throw can be tactical but will usually be based upon the tiles in the players hand, the dice total being the important factor.

On obtaining a total he then, if possible, places two dominoes from his hand on the table for all to see with ends touching that have the same total as the dice. The DiceThrower must play dominoes that make the score if he can. The remaining players, in order clockwise round the table, now have the opportunity (optional) to make the total by place two of their tiles on show.

Once everyone has had a chance to make the total, each player that has succeeded now chooses a domino from the two that he played and discards it face down to the scrap. These scrapped dominoes are never reused in the game. If two tiles have been placed one is always discarded and the other returned to the player's hand.

If the DiceThrower made the total he now has the choice to either end his turn or to play on by throwing one or two dice and play continues as above.

If he did not make the total then all his score made in that turn is lost, while the other players retain their scores. The dice now pass to the next player who now becomes the DiceThrower.

This method of play continues until one player is down to one tile. In which case the total spots on the one remaining tile have to equal the dice total (see strategy).

The hand ends when the moment one player has used all his dominoes or all players are down to one domino. One tile from any pair played before the player goes out can be discarded in the usual manner and the other is returned to the player's hand.

A game ends after a whole number of rounds, two complete rounds or 8 hands being suggested.


The DiceThrower scores four points for each total made in one turn. This is lost if he plays on and then fails to make a total.

Other players score two points for each total made in that turn (this is not lost).

If a player reaches zero tiles he scores an additional one point for each tile in the other players hands.

Comments and Strategy

There are lots of decisions to be made and it is important which tiles are discarded as this shapes the hand for future play. A tactic to try and stop someone going out is of to throw 2 dice as it may yield more than 6.

Example Part Game

DiceThrower chooses Two dice, total 10 thrownDiceThrower – places 4|6 4|2Score 4 pts so far!!!

2nd player – decides not to play

3rd player – places 5|5 5|1Score 2pt

4th player – decides not to play
Those that played now discard one of the tiles on show and return the other to their hand
Tiles discarded placed face down in a scrap pile and take no further part in the game

DiceThrower decides to play on so throws again – total 3DiceThrower – plays 4|2 1|14 more pts making a total of 8pts (he had discarded the 4|6)

2nd player – plays 4|3 Blank|12pts

3rd player – places 5|2 1|32pts - total 4pts

4th player – decides not to play
Those that played now discard one of the tiles on show and return to other to their hand
Tiles discarded placed face down in a scrap pile and take no further part in the game

DiceThrower decides not to play on and so keeps his score and the dice passes to the next player.
Scores so far DiceThrower (player1) 8pts, player 2 has 2pts, player 3 has 4pts, player 4 zero pts
There are 5 tiles in the scrap pile and player 1 has 5 tiles, player 2 6 tiles, player 3 5 tiles and player 4 7 tiles

The game continues until ...

Eventually a point is reached where player 4 has 3 tiles, player 1 has 2 tiles, player 2 has 1 tile and player 3 has 3 tiles
Player 4 is the DiceThrower and throws one die a 5DiceThrower lays 4|4 1|2 and will be able to discard one of the tiles if player 2 goes outScores 4pts

Player 1 cannot go

Player 2 goes out as the spots on his remaining tile total 5 Scores2pts + one pt for each of the remaining tiles ie 2+2+3

Player 3 could play but as 2 has gone out is unable to do so.


  • With 2 players use 7 or 10 tiles each
  • With 3 players stay with 7 tiles
  • A double nine domino set may be used with three dice
  • A double twelve domino set may be used with four dice

You may play to 100pts instead of playing by complete rounds

Try CrissCross, UpStopDown and The Seven Pis (π). Any comments, suggestions or improvements please email gnillew@gmail.com


Last updated: 5th November 2009
