Squaressi Variations
Contributed by Bill Perkins (bilihara@agora.rdrop.com)
INTRODUCTION: This is a card game I invented that, in many respects, plays a lot like SQUARESSI KINGS but with various interesting and unique differences. It is a competitive patience game that may have multiple players too.
DIFFERENT AND SIMILAR TO SQUARESSI KINGS: With some modifications allowed for below you may follow the similar rules for SQUARESSI KINGS making the necessary adjustments for SQUARESSI QUEENS as outlined:
- Cards rank: Q-K-J-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-A (ace low) and may be so played in sequences for the game.
- Queen cards may be held back with the same effect as King cards in SQUARESSI KINGS in this game.
- A Queen card may always be played to one of the open spaces between the 4 starter foundations in the game to start a new pile.
- The tableaus layout is not like a traditional solitaire fashion of play, but laddered runs of any red suit card/s on any red suit card/s or any black suit card/s on any black suit card/s in arms built on same colored foundation cards, etc.
- For each face card played from a hand to the tableau layout, another card must be drawn from the deck and added to a hand.
INTRODUCTION: I invented this card game at the same time I invented the SQUARESSI QUEENS game. In many respects it plays like SQUARESSI KINGS but with various interesting and unique differences. It also is a competitive patience card game that may be played with multiple players.
DIFFERENT AND SIMILAR TO SQUARESSI KINGS: With some modifications allowed for below you may follow the similar rules for SQUARESSI KINGS making the necessary adjustments for SQUARESSI JACKS as outlined:
- Cards rank: J-K-Q-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-A (ace low) and may be so played with sequences in the game.
- Jack cards may be held back with the same effect as king cards in SQUARESSI KINGS in this game.
- A Jack card may always be played to one of the open spaces between the 4 starter foundations in the game to start a new pile.
- The tableaus layout is not like a traditional solitaire style of play, but laddered runs of alternating red suit cards and runs of alternating black suit cards in arms ... etc. EXAMPLE:
INTRODUCTION: A card game I invented. In many respects, it plays a lot like SQUARESSI KINGS but with various interesting and unique differences. It also is a competitive patience game that may be played with multiple players.
DIFFERENT AND SIMILAR TO SQUARESSI KINGS: With some modifications allowed for below you may follow the similar rules for SQUARESSI KINGS making the necessary adjustments for SQUARESSI ACES as outlined:
- Cards rank in an arm of play either: A-K-Q-J-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2 (2 low) or A-J-Q-K-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2 (2 is always low) as one chooses to play in sequence as it may be convenient with the cards in your hand.
- Ace cards may be held back with the same effect as King cards in SQUARESSI KINGS in this game.
- An Ace card may always be played to one the open spaces between the 4 starter foundations in the game to start a new pile.
- The tableaus layout is not exactly like some kinds of solitaire style of play but it may be similar to others in that each foundation and sequence is all of one suit exclusively in each card to card that is played and matched in one.
EXPLANATION: Choose any of the above variations (Squaressi Kings, Queens, Jacks and Aces) and play 2 out of 3, or 3 out of 5, or more hands playing according to each of the variants rules used to play a game with an overall winner.
EXPLANATION: Here is a list of some very easy to play variants that may be played by just adding one die to the games format with each of the above SQUARESSI games variants. They are competitive patience games that may have multiple players too. The rules for each are as simple as outlined here:
- Put one die on top of the stock in the middle of the game and play a variant of a SQUARESSI type game to begin.
- At the beginning of the turn for the first player who has to draw from the stock and continuing with each player who needs to draw cards to their hand roll the one die once for the number of cards to be drawn for each turn. It will be featured on top of the die after it comes to rest after being rolled for play.
- If a player can not make a match with the cards provided from rolling the die and the rules that player simply passes his turn and the next player on their left goes.
- The die is always to be placed on top of the stock for the next player to use after it has been rolled for a turn.
© Copyright Bill Perkins 1999, 2000, 2001